Fire Hazard Reduction

Ensure Your Family & Your Property Survive an Unexpected Bushfire.

Tree Hazard, Total Tree Care

Extensive Experience in Hazard Reduction

Let our team assist you in preparing your property or bushfire plan.

Contact us today for help in preparing your property or bushfire plan. If you would like more information on fire hazards & fire hazard reduction, please visit the CFA website.

Prepare Before An Emergency

Preparation throughout the year is an essential key to ensure that you, your property & family survive a bushfire. A well-prepared home is more likely to survive a bushfire than one that hasn’t been prepared.

Total Tree Care can assist you in preparing your property. Our recommendations & service include:

  • Checking for branches that overhang your roof or touch your walls
  • Examine gutters for dead leaves & twigs
  • Consistently pruning large trees/branches
Fire Emergency
Fire Emergency

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